Abstracting a Vercel OpenAI Handler for Quick AI Tools

Abstracting a Vercel OpenAI Handler for Quick AI Tools

I've recently jumped into prompt engineering with both feet, but found myself rewriting a lot of the same boilerplate code when engineering new prompts. If you take a look at 2 of the tools I've added to this site:

  1. TailwindCSS + React Hook Form Generator
  2. AI Spec Generator

They are pretty close to the same UI, but the API code for them was almost identical. So? DRY.


Vercel AI + Open AI makes building new AI experiences fast. Adding a little abstraction makes it even faster. 💥

The Original Vercel AI API Route

To get started with Vercel AI, I basically just ripped their code from the docs here. No biggie. I added a little training data, and some code examples, so that my first attempt at a streaming AI API route looked like this:

import { OpenAIStream, StreamingTextResponse } from 'ai'
import OpenAI from 'openai'
import { kv } from '@vercel/kv'

const DEV = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

const modelOptions = {
  model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
  stream: true,

const training = [
  { role: 'system', content: '...' },
  { role: 'user', content: '...' },
  { role: 'assistant', content: '...' },
  { role: 'user', content: '...' },
  { role: 'assistant', content: '...' },

export default async function handler(req) {
  const { messages } = await req.json()
  const key = `${prefix}-${JSON.stringify(messages)}`

  // Check if we have a cached response in production
  const cached = DEV ? null : await kv.get(key)

  if (cached) {
    const chunks = cached.split(' ')
    // Emulate the "stream" interface, even if we're cached
    const stream = new ReadableStream({
      async start(controller) {
        for (const chunk of chunks) {
          const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(chunk + ' ')
          await new Promise((r) =>
              // get a random number between 10ms and 50ms to simulate a random delay
              Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) + 10
    return new StreamingTextResponse(stream)

  const response = await openai.chat.completions.create({
    messages: [...training, ...messages],

  const stream = OpenAIStream(response, {
    async onCompletion(completion) {
      // Cache the response. Note that this will also cache function calls.
      if (DEV) {

      await kv.set(key, completion)
      await kv.expire(key, 60 * 60)

  return new StreamingTextResponse(stream)

Not bad, considering it even implements caching for cost savings on responses. But then, when I went to build the second AI API route (the one for my spec tool), I realized I was basically identically copying all the meat of this handler, with the exception of the training data.

There are a couple of ways you could handle this:

  1. Add the training data in an api request to a single ChatGPT completion endpoint
  2. Abstract the creation of AI api handlers into a function that accepts additional training data

Ultimately, I opted for #2, simply because having all that training data in React components seemed like a weird place for it to live, and I like the flexibility of different API endpoints per bot 🤖.

Maybe I want to extend them, or chain them... who knows. This is all new to me.

Anyway, here's the simple abstraction, and a sample implementation, for your reusing pleasure.

import { OpenAIStream, StreamingTextResponse } from 'ai'
import OpenAI from 'openai'
import { kv } from '@vercel/kv'

const DEV = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,

const defaultModelOptions = {
  model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
  stream: true,

export default function createAIHandler({
  training = [],
  modelOptions = defaultModelOptions,
}) {
  // Return a function, that is the handler
  return async function (req) {
    const { messages } = await req.json()
    const key = `${prefix}-${JSON.stringify(messages)}`
    // Check if we have a cached response
    const cached = DEV ? null : await kv.get(key)

    if (cached) {
      const chunks = cached.split(' ')
      const stream = new ReadableStream({
        async start(controller) {
          for (const chunk of chunks) {
            const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(chunk + ' ')
            await new Promise((r) =>
                // get a random number between 10ms and 50ms to simulate a random delay
                Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) + 10
      return new StreamingTextResponse(stream)

    const response = await openai.chat.completions.create({
      messages: [...training, ...messages],

    const stream = OpenAIStream(response, {
      async onCompletion(completion) {
        // Cache the response. Note that this will also cache function calls.
        if (DEV) {
        await kv.set(key, completion)
        await kv.expire(key, 60 * 60)

    return new StreamingTextResponse(stream)

Pretty simple wrapper, eh?

Now, here's how you use it in a sample AI route for generating animal names:

import createAIHandler from '@/lib/createAIHandler'

export const runtime = 'edge'

const training = [
  { role: 'system', content: `
You are a bot that can ONLY respond with made up animal names.
Include a person's name, an adjective, a color, and an animal name.

Bart, the Slippery Green Walrus.
` },
  { role: 'user', content: 'Give me an animal name'  },
  { role: 'assistant', content: 'Sue, the Hilarious Yellow Antelope.' },
  { role: 'user', content: 'How are you?'  },
  { role: 'assistant', content: 'Jeff, the Angry Red Hare.' },

export default createAIHandler({
  prefix: 'animal-bot',

Lastly, wire it up in your component:

import { useChat } from 'ai/react'

export default function Page() {
  const { messages, handleSubmit, input, handleInputChange } = useChat({
    api: '/api/ai/animal-names',

  return (
      // Your chat UX

I'm not gonna go into building forms and chat UX here, but good starting places are:

Hope this helps you ramp up on your AI skillz, and happy coding! 😎

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